
July 1979

Cover: Denise Gauthier, photographed by Tom Staebler
Playmate of the Month:
Dorothy Mays, photographed by Richard Fegley

Shear Wonder | If Playmate Dorothy Mays styles your locks, you’ll wind up feeling terrific — and your hair will look nice, too
The World of Playboy (with Playmates Candy Loving, Susan Bernard, Claudia Jennings, Susan Lynn Kiger and Pamela Jean Bryant)
Dear Playboy
Playboy After Hours
The Playboy Advisor
The Playboy Forum
Playboy Interview: Joseph Wambaugh | A candid conversation about real cops, movie cops and Hollywood craziness with the best-selling author of “The Onion Field” and “The Black Marble”
Article: The Making of a Pope | For the first time ever, an insider’s look at the papal election process and its master manipulators — those holy horse traders to whom the only cardinal sin is political naïveté, by Andrew M. Greeley, illustrated by Ron Villani
Humor: The Perfect High or the Quest of Gimmesome Roy | by Shel Silverstein
Pictorial: Well Matched | When tennis ace met top Playmate, the net result was love
Fiction: The Leaser of Two Evils | The Hugo Award winner who brought sex to sci-fi gives incest a new twist and makes the statement that a dog is man’s best friend an undeniable truth, by Philip Jose Farmer, illustrated by Karl Wirsum
Attire: Looking Shipshape! | Easy-to-care-for cruisewear that’s destined to make fashion waves, by David Platt
Fiction: Blood Sisters | She was a mafia-made clone who had switched loyalties — and she had come to me, a private eye, to help her find a new life, by Joe Haldeman, illustrated by Peter Sato
Humor: Playboy’s Party Jokes
Article: Good News for the Practicing Paranoid | No matter where you look these days, there’s ample evidence that the entire planet is going down the tubes, by David Black, illustrated by Steve St. Germain
Food: Catfish Catches On | If you haven’t yet tried this favorite down-home dish, prepare to be hooked, by Emanuel Greenberg, photographed by Bill Arsenault
Article: Where Sex is Concerned, the Doctor is Out | Remember when you used to play doctor with the little girl down the street? You knew as much about sex then as most real doctors do now, by Morton Hunt, illustrated by Eraldo Carugati
Sports: The Second Annual Baseball Managers’ Cash-on-the-Line, Clutch-Player All-Star Team | For the second straight year, Playboy asks the people who know best — the managers — which players they’d want on their side when winning means everything
Pictorial: “Moonraker”: New Perils for 007 | Secret agent Bond finds all sorts of undercover action in his latest film thriller. Good show, James!
Pictorial: “Moonraker”: New Women for 007, photographed by Richard Fegley and Alberta Tiburzzi
Ribald Classic: The Baker of Yesiloy | From a traditional Turkish tale, retold by Charles Wallach, illustrated by Brad Holland
Sports: The Secret Life of Baseball | Throughout last season, our reporters dug in in dugouts and loitered in locker rooms, trying to get beneath the well-scrubbed surface of out national pastime, by Maury Z. Levy and Samantha Stevenson
Modern Living: Playbikes | A fiery four-stroke with the speed of light, a cloud of dust and a hearty hi-yo Silver, away — street-legal dirt bikes offer the best of both worlds, by James Petersen
Humor: Playboy Funnies (Ed Head, Born Toulous, It’s Great to be Married, Through Space and Time with Schwimmer and Jones, Singlewoman, Give ‘Em an Inch, Tyranosaurus Sex)
Playboy’s PipelineTips on keeping your lifestyle in high gear
Playboy PotpourriPeople, places, objects and events of interest or amusement
Playboy on the Scene: Gadgets | Cooling trend, photographed by Don Azuma
Playboy on the Scene: Style | Light up your life, by Hollis Wayne-Buksbaum, photographed by Michael Waine
Playboy on the Scene: Fashion | Dancing in the streets, by David Platt, photographed by Tom Zuk
Playboy on the Scene: Grapevine (Margaux Hemingway, Laraine Newman, The Cars, Freddie Mercury, Alice Cooper and Soupy Sales, Marilyn Joi, Cher)
Playboy on the Scene: Playboy’s Roving Eye | More pictures from the German edition of Playboy — or, we Leica these a lot
Playboy on the Scene: Sex News

Alden Erikson

Bernard Kliban

Buck Brown

Eldon Dedini

Gahan Wilson

John Dempsey

Michael Ffolkes

Phil Interlandi

Roy Raymonde

Francis Wilford Smith

Playboy Book Club ad

Playboy Club ad (with Playmate Candace Collins)

Promo ad

Subscription ad (with Playmate Michele Drake)

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