
November 1982

Cover: Lorraine Michaels (Playmate of the Month, April 1981), photographed by Tom Staebler
Playmate of the Month:
Marlene Janssen, photographed by Arny Freytag and Kerry Morris

Queen of the Crop | Marlene Janssen is a small-town heroine who’s learned how to be a winner in L.A.
The World of Playboy (with Playmate Victoria Cooke)
Dear Playboy
Playboy After Hours
Men | Male sexuality, by Asa Baber
The Playboy Advisor
Dear Playmates (Cathy St. George, Cathy Larmouth, Jeana Tomasino, Michele Drake, Linda Rhys Vaughn, Lorraine Michaels)
The Playboy Forum
Playboy Interview: Luciano Pavarotti | A candid conversation about wine, women and arias with the tenor of our time
Fiction: George Mills | It was the trickiest of tricky trades for George — the sorcerer’s apprentice, by Stanley Elkin, illustrated by Ed Paschke
Pictorial: The Women of Braniff | Grounded but not forgotten…
Article: One Last Chance for the Democrats | It looks like they’d survive Reaganism — put if politics is the art of solving problems, they’ve still got a lot of politicking to do, by Arthur Schlesinger Jr., illustrated by Dan Clyne
Attire: A Classic Yarn | Return with us now to those golden days of yesteryear when a man was measured by the cut of his tweeds, by David Platt, photographed by Roberto Rocco
Fiction: The Second Coming | Do you know the story of Mary and Joseph and the angel? You haven’t heard this version, by Mitch Sisskind, illustrated by Kinuko Y. Craft
Modern Living: The Paper Chasers | For undergrads with straight-A ambitions, here’s a dean’s-list guide to electronic quick-study equipment, by Danny Goodman, photographed by Bill Arsenault
Humor: Playboy’s Party Jokes
Article: Circle of Deceit: The Hypocrisy of College Athletics | In an era when there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between student athletes and pros, it’s time to stop pretending there is, by John Schulian, illustrated by Michael Ansell
Accouterments: Personal Best | Luxurious and stylish accouterments for the man of taste, photographed by Richard Izui
Drink: Notables’ Potables | If you want to shake or stir what Woody, Liza, Cheryl, Frank and other superstars are sipping, read on, by Emanuel Greenberg, illustrated by Mort Drucker
Humor: Why Sex is Still Worth It | As the poet said, let us count the ways, by James R. Petersen and Kate Nolan
Personality: The Cheap Agony of Ugly George | Something inside him calls. His answer is to lure women into hallways and convince them to strip for his camera, by D. Keith Mano, illustrated by Tom Ingham
Memorabilia: Celebrity High | OK, fans, this is a pop quiz — how good are you at identifying famous people from their high school photographs?, by Dan Carlinsky
1983 Playboy Music Poll | Who lived together in perfect harmony this year? You tell us!, photographed by Paul Gremmler, special effects by Jeff Douo
Humor: How I Broke the Bank at the World Series of Handicapping | Can a rank amateur go up against the country’s best horse players and win? Wanna bet?, by Jay Cronley, illustrated by Eraldo Carugati
Article: Sex in Cinema — 1982 | One is tempted to say this year was something of a drag as movies took a long look at alternative lifestyles — and served forth screens full of kids buffing it, by Arthur Knight (with Playmate Kimberly McArthur)
Ribald Classic: The Right to Bear Arms | From the Novellino of Masuccio of Salerno, retold by Carlo Matteo, illustrated by Brad Holland
20 Questions: Frank and Moon Unit Zappa | Rock’s knight-errant and his valley-girl daughter assess the state of dating, drugs and — gas us with a spoon! — American culture, photographed by Raul Vega
Humor: Playboy Funnies (Cruiser, 5 Cent Mary, Saturday Nite Jive, Through Space and Time with Schwimmer and Jones, Ed Head, The Tales of Baron von Furstinbed, Annie & Albert)
Playboy PotpourriPeople, places, objects and events of interest or amusement
Playboy on the Scene: Gear | Under the gun
Playboy on the Scene: Fashion | Winter headways, by David Platt, photographed by J. Verser Engelhard
Playboy on the Scene: Wheels | Porsche 944: The legend lives on, by Gary Witzenburg
Playboy on the Scene: Grapevine (Bruce Springsteen and Clarence Clemons, Eileen Fulton, Kate Jackson, Mike Reno, Burton Cummings, Wendy O. Williams, Allene Simmons)
Playboy on the Scene: Sex News

Bernard Kliban

Buck Brown

Don Madden

Doug Sneyd

Francis Wilford Smith

Gahan Wilson

John Dempsey

Mike Williams

Roy Raymonde

Phil Interlandi

Eldon Dedini

What Sort of Man Reads Playboy?

Subscription ad (with Playmate Karen Witter)

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