
November 1977

Cover: Susan Lynn Kiger (Playmate of the Month, January 1977), photographed by Tom Staebler
Playmate of the Month:
Rita Lee, photographed by Richard Fegley

Growing Up | It took November’s Rita Lee a while, but she things she’s finally learned something about men
Dear Playboy
Playboy After Hours
The Playboy Advisor
Playboy Sex Poll | An informal survey of current sexual attitudes, behavior and insights, by Howard Smith
The Playboy Forum
Playboy Interview: Henry Kyemba | A candid conversation with Uganda’s exiled minister of health, the first cabinet officer to tell the full story behind the atrocities of Idi Amin
Article: Chairman Billy | Original quotations from the First Redneck — on beer, blacks, women, once-a-week sex and his brother, the president, by Roy Blount Jr., illustrated by Judith Jampel, photographed by Tom Zuk
Pictorial: Bunnies of ’77 | Growing by leaps and bounds, our beautiful cottontail contingent now graces such exotic places as Japan and Texas (with Playmates Hope Olson, Sheila Mullen, Janis Schmitt and Candace Collins)
Food: Roots | Dig these — a report on the edible underworld, by Emanuel Greenberg, photographed by Don Azuma
Fiction: In the National Interest | It took just 60 seconds of efficient slaughter for the Israeli commandos to kill nearly all in the room — a tale of suspense and intrigue in high places by the well-known to correspondents, by Marvin Kalb and Ted Koppel, illustrated by Kunio Hagio
Humor: Playboy’s Party Jokes
Attire: Fighting the Deep Freeze | Everybody remembers — ugh — how cold it was last winter. Here’s some heavy outerwear artillery to keep those chill winds at bay, by David Platt, photographed by Bruce Laurance
Personality: Nice Guys Finish First | Faultless Frank Gifford’s climb to media stardom was an (almost) unbroken series of successful gestures, by Marty Bell, illustrated by Jerry Podwil
Modern Living: Ringing Success | Why isn’t Marcia Wallace answering Bob Newhart’s phone? Because she has all kinds of terrific machines to do it for her, photographed by Mario Casilli
Article: Sex in Cinema — 1977 | Major studios may be putting most of their action on the sound track, but the porno films are looking better than ever, by Arthur Knight (with Playmates Cyndi Wood and Lillian Müller)
Article: Jailing | The man who tried to hustle a fake bio of Howard Hughes did some heavy time that was all too real, by Clifford Irving, photographed by Ron Seymour
Sports: Playboy’s College Basketball Preview, by Anson Mount, photographed by Gregg Anton
Quiz: The So-You-Think-You’re-Creative Quiz | Just how bound by rules are you? These puzzles will test your capacity to break out of old patterns to find new solutions, by Eugene Raudsepp with George P. Hough Jr., illustrated by Ron Rae
Ribald Classic: Italian Tales | From the Facetiae of Poggio Bracciolini, retold by Carlos Matteo, illustrated by Brad Holland
Humor: Playboy Funnies (Neon Vincent’s Massage Parlor, The Insult, The Kinky Report, Dirty Duck, Give ‘Em an Inch…, Teasers)
Think Tank | An insider’s look at everything you need to know to keep up with, and flourish in, the latter part of the 20th century, illustrated by Kinuko Y. Craft
Playboy PotpourriPeople, places, objects and events of interest or amusement
Playboy’s PipelineTips on keeping your lifestyle in high gear
Playboy on the Scene: Habitat | Icing up, by Robert L. Green, photographed by Tom Zuk
Playboy on the Scene: Fashion | Moving into menswear, by David Platt
Playboy on the Scene: Games & Gadgets | Paddles, partners & parlays, photographed by Richard Izui and Bill Frantz
Playboy on the Scene: Grapevine (Gilbert Shelton, Martin Charnin, Stan Mack, Warner Leroy and Mitzi Shore)
Playboy on the Scene: Sexcetera

Alden Erikson

Bernard Kliban

Buck Brown

Edmond Kiraz

Francis Wilford Smith

Gahan Wilson

John Dempsey

Michael Ffolkes

Phil Interlandi

Mike Williams

Eldon Dedini

Playmate Calendar ad

Playboy Book Club ad

Playboy Club ad (with Playmate Candace Collins)

Subscription ad (with Playmate Hope Olson)

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