
February 1977

Cover: Lena Kansbod, photographed by Peter Turner
Playmate of the Month:
Star Stowe, photographed by Pompeo Posar

Star-Struck | February’s Star Stowe is full of surprises, all of them pleasant
Dear Playboy
Playboy After Hours
Selected Short: The Doomsday Army, by Michael Ledeen
Selected Short: What, Me Cry?, by Brian Vachon
The Playboy Advisor
Playboy Sex Poll | An informal survey of current sexual attitudes, behavior and insights, by Howard Smith and Brian van der Horst
The Playboy Forum
Playboy Interview: Keith Stroup | A candid conversation about pot smoking, drugs and legal hassles with the young director of NORML, who is spearheading the reform of marijuana laws
Personality: The Postcelluloid Tristesse of Raquel Welch | Don’t you think a sex goddess has feelings, too?, by O’Connell Driscoll, illustrated by Dennis Magdich
Fiction: The Trolls of God | O great head coach in the sky, help us go out and win one for St. Clochard, by James Powell, illustrated by John O’Leary
Pictorial: The Love Feast | Wherein a man and a maid satisfy their hunger, photographed by Jeff Dunas
Article: Crazy Joe Must Die! | The exclusive story of how Joe Luparelli, a jack of all underworld trades now living under federal protection, arranged the execution of Joey Gallo, by Paul S. Meskil, illustrated by Vincent Topazio
Grooming: Hair Today | How to cut it, how to cultivate it and how to keep it (if you can), by Charles Hix, photographed by Paul Gremmler
Humor: Playboy’s Party Jokes
Article: A Very Quiet Horror | Chile’s exiled foreign minister, assassinated on Washington’s embassy row, told Playboy before his death about torture and forced labor in the Siberia of the south, by Tad Szulc, illustrated by Jacob Knight
Attire: Adventures in the Skin Trade | Suede and leather speak softly but carry a big kick, by David Platt, photographed by Peter Gert
Fiction: Garp’s Night Out | There were some things he just couldn’t tell his wife — like what didn’t happen on Mrs. Ralph’s water bed, by John Irving
Modern Living: Black is the Color… | …of the new look in a wide range of objects that are practical and pleasurable
The Motel Tapes | More carryings-on behind those closed doors, by Mike McGrady, illustrated by Robert Goldstrom (part two of a new book)
Pictorial: Playboy’s Playmate Preview | A super abundance of candidates to grace our gatefold in the months ahead (Virve Reid, Nicki Thomas, Debra Jo Fondren, Kristine Winder and Lisa Sohm)
Humor: The Book of Coasts | A biblical retelling of the great schism between east and west, between skyscrapers and pink stucco, by Marshall Brickman, illustrated by Kunio Hagio
Ribald Classic: English Music-Hall Ballads | From the Sixpenny Songbooks, illustrated by Brad Holland
Pictorial: The Year in Sex | A slightly irreverent look at the advances — and setbacks — of the sexual revolution in ’76
Humor: Kaplan’s Phallusies | Another batch of singularly constructed little guys, by Ervin L. Kaplan
Playboy PotpourriPeople, places, objects and events of interest or amusement
Playboy on the Scene: Habitat | Return of the cave man, photographed by Bill Maris
Playboy on the Scene: Making Out | Or, what are friends for?, by James R. Petersen, illustrated by Robert Goldstrom
Playboy on the Scene: Gadgets, photographed by Richard Izur
Playboy on the Scene: Grapevine (Sylvester Stallone, Marthe Keller, Walter Parks and Keith Critchlow, Curtis Mayfield, John Travolta)
Playboy on the Scene: Travel | Rent-a-dream, by David Standish
Playboy on the Scene: Behavior | Look, ma, no hands, by Dennis Troute
Playboy on the Scene: Sexcetera

Alden Erikson

Buck Brown

Doug Sneyd

Eldon Dedini

Michael Ffolkes

Phil Interlandi

Rowland Wilson

Roy Raymonde

Francis Wilford Smith

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