
March 1976

Cover: Playmate Victoria Cunningham, photographed by Paul Gremmler
Playmate of the Month:
Ann Pennington, photographed by Pompeo Posar and Phillip Dixon

Sister Act | Playmates obviously run in the Pennington family — first Janice and now Ann. Sorry, guys, but when Miss March was born, they broke the mold
Dear Playboy
Playboy After Hours
Selected Shorts: The Middle-Class Squeeze, by Craig Karpel and Help! Pleh!, by L. Rust Hills
The Playboy Advisor
The Playboy Forum
Playboy Interview: Norman Lear | A candid conversation about television (not intended for the “family hour”) with the creator of Archie Bunker, Maude Findlay, Fred Sanford and the rest
Article: How to Do Everything | The co-author of “The Best” comes up with the best — and the brightest — guide to making you the Einstein of eclecticism, by Peter Passell, illustrated by Melinda Bordelon
Pictorial: Encore Emmanuelle! | Further observations on the outer-fringe benefits of life in the French foreign service, photographed by Jean-Louis Atlan
Personality: The Ascension of Bruce Springsteen | From zero to sixty in five weeks flat with rock’s newest superstar, by James R. Peterson, illustrated by John Youssi
Article: Jogging Can Kill You! | … and that’s not the half of it, by J.E. Schmidt M.D., photographed by David Chan
Survey: Playboy’s Guide to the Rites of Spring | For itchy libidos east and west … a look at where the girls really are, illustrated by Fred Nelson
Humor: Playboy’s Party Jokes
Article: Who Can Arrest You? | … in America, almost anybody, by Laurence Gonzales, illustrated by Dennis Michael Magdich
Modern Living: String Fever | Six guitars you’d give a couple of fingers to own, photographed by Don Azuma
Fiction: The Autumn Dog | The author of the best-selling “The Great Railway Bazaar” takes note of an exotic little Chinese sex position, by Paul Theroux, illustrated by Fred Meyer
Attire: The Pullover: Get it On! | Versatile performer Clifton Davis takes a walk on the wet side sporting the latest look in an old fashioned favorite, photographed by Ohta
Article: The 1976 Democratic Handicap | The nation’s foremost political prankster turns pundit to help you sort out this year’s complicated election rules, the primaries and candidates — God, all those candidates!, by Dick Tuck
Pictorial: Fire Belle | Last April’s Playmate, Victoria Cunningham, has this fantasy about being a fireman (fireperson?) and for someone who looks like Vicki, it’s no sooner wished than done, photographed by Paul Gremmler
Ribald Classic: The Contract | From Jataka Tales, retold by John G. Dickson, illustrated by Brad Holland
Attire: Spring Tone-Up | All mixed up? Let us find the perfect match for you, by Robert L. Green, illustrated by Dickran Palulian
Fiction: The Golden Whatever | American industrial know-how discovers the final solution to the violin problem, by Jordan Crittenden, illustrated by Gary Overacre
Article: Playboy’s History of Assassination — Part 3: The End of the Kingfish | In 1935, Huey Long was the strongest threat to both the re-election of Roosevelt and the interests of the very rich. Almost inevitably he was shot and killed — under circumstances that remain mysterious, by James McKinley
Humor: Ffolkes’s Sci-Ffi Sex | A cosmic caper in which our spaced-out cartoonist conducts and erotic tour of the future, by Michael Ffolkes
Think Tank | An insider’s look at everything you need to know to keep up with, and flourish in, the latter part of the 20th century, illustrated by Mel Furukawa
Playboy Potpourri

Alden Erikson

Bernard Kliban

Bernard Kliban

Buck Brown

Eldon Dedini

Francis Wilford Smith

Gahan Wilson

John Dempsey

Michael Ffolkes

Mike Williams

Roy Raymonde

John Dempsey

Buck Brown

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