
June 1963

Cover: Jayne Mansfield, photographed by Bill Kobrin
Playmate of the Month:
Connie Mason, photographed by Pompeo Posar

A Style Of Her Own | Haute couture mannequin Connie Mason has a flair and a form for fashion
Dear Playboy
Playboy After Hours
The Playboy Advisor
Playboy Interview: Billy Wilder | A candid conversation with the master of filmic seriocomedy
Editorial: The Playboy Philosophy | The seventh part of a statement in which Playboy’s editor-publisher spells out — for friends and critics alike — our guiding principles and editorial credo, by Hugh Hefner
Novel: Harry, The Rat With Women | No one could look at him without loving him — yet, when he looked out at the world, he wanted still more, and still more…, by Jules Feiffer (part 1)
Fiction: The Queen’s Own Evaders | The trick was to make the best use of those few precious moments between film’s end and anthem’s commencement, by Ray Bradbury, illustrated by Tomi Ungerer
Food: Smørrebrød | Sunny sandwichcraft from the unmelancholy Danes, by Thomas Mario, photographed by Don Bronstein
Fiction: Ugliness, like beauty, is only — Skin Deep, by Brian Rencelaw
Article: Folk, Folkum And The New Citybilly | Casting a critical eye on folk singers — the simon-pure and the phony, the sophisticated and the square, by Nat Hentoff
Humor: Symbolic Sex, by Don Addis
Humor: Playboy’s Party Jokes
Attire: The Rite Time | Middle-aisle garb and guidance for the marry month, by Robert L. Green
Novel: On Her Majesty’s Secret Service | He had been close to death and in deadly peril — then, with the dread brotherhood as his ally, James Bond closed in on his prey, by Ian Fleming (part 3, conclusion)
Pictorial: The Nudest Jayne Mansfield | In her latest flick, Playboy’s perennial favorite romps in the altogether, photographed by Bill Kobrin
Nostalgia: Requiem For The Holidays | Hail and farewell to the wonderful ghosts of those joyous fetes of yore, by Charles Beaumont
Gifts: Playboy’s Gifts For Dads And Grads
Ribald Classic: The Cost Of The Cure | From the tales of Petronius, retold by Paul J. Gillette, illustrated by Leon Bellin
Satire: The Greatest Teevee Jeebies Ever Told | More mad-lib dialog for video’s venerable reruns, by Shel Silverstein
Satire: How To Save Money On Your Wife’s Clothing | More secrets of being successful with women without really trying, by Shepherd Mead, illustrated by Claude Smith
Travel: Playboy’s International Datebook, by Patrick Chase

Alden Erikson

Dink Siegel

Don Madden

Erich Sokol

Gahan Wilson

John Dempsey

Eldon Dedini

Phil Interlandi

Erich Sokol

Unidentified cartoonist

Merchandise and book ads

Merchandise ads

Playboy Club News

Record and merchandise ads

What Sort of Man Reads Playboy?

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