
November 1970

Cover: Crystal Smith, Playmate of the Month, September 1971, photographed by Dwight Hooker
Playmate of the Month:
Avis Miller, photographed by Dwight Hooker

Avis Is Number One | Jet Bunny Avis Miller is flying high aboard Hugh Hefner’s airborne pleasure dome
Dear Playboy
Playboy After Hours
The Playboy Advisor
The Playboy Forum
Playboy Interview: Elliott Gould | A candid conversation with the kinetic, antiheroic star of “Bob & Carol,” “M.A.S.H,” “Getting Straight,” “Move” and “Little Murders”
Fiction: Dotson Gerber Resurrected | The white man causes everything — even when he is God, even when he is dead, by Hal Bennett, illustrated by Ellen Lanyon
Article: When Punishment Is A Crime | The former attorney general indicts America’s medieval prison system for corrupting and dehumanizing rather than rehabilitating those behind bars, by Ramsey Clark, photographed by Hart Harris
Attire: The Ski Scene | Aspen’s regulars head for the hills sporting the latest garb and gear designed for ski buffs and their snow bunnies, by Robert L. Green, photographed by Robert Huntsinger
Sports: The Top Spots: Playboy Polls The Ski Editors | A compact guide to the experts’ favorite American snow-sport centers
Pictorial: Je T’Aime, Jane | Some over-the-counter views of Jane Birkin, the girl who made that under-the-counter record, photographed by Pompeo Posar
Article: They Became What They Beheld | Media, hair, telephones, violence — unsettling observations on contemporary man and his artifacts by a perceptive anthropologist, by Edmund Carpenter, illustrated by Arthur Paul
Fiction: Night Crossing | It was a delightful but maddening puzzle — which of the beautiful sisters had entered his cabin in the dark, by Elliott Arnold, illustrated by Phill Renaud
Food: A Fine Kettle Of Fish | Warm up to a hearty haul of stews brimming with Neptune’s tastiest treasures, by Thomas Mario, photographed by Alexas Urba
Humor: Playboy’s Party Jokes
Personality: Good Ole Boy | Craggy-faced, down-home country-and-western king Johnny Cash has seen it all and sounds it, by Saul Braun, illustrated by Herb Davidson
Pictorial: Gallo’s Girls | Sculptor Frank Gallo — using contemporary materials in a classic art form — captures the elusive essence of feminine grace
Article: And Now — A Word From Our Sponsor | Hollywood may be crumbling, but Mad Ave’s minimovie biz of TV commercials is better — and funnier — than ever, by Michael Butler, illustrated by Ron Bradford
Article: Sex In Cinema: 1970 | As the old studios — and strictures — sink slowly in the west, literally anything goes on screen, and the outraged forces of reaction are massing for a counterattack, by Arthur Knight and Hollis Alpert
Fiction: Accidents Of A Country Road | That pleasant drive he had taken so many times before was suddenly transformed into an endless nightmare, by Roger Dionne, illustrated by Alan E. Cober
Article: Shoot-Out in Johnston City | … in which — after all the hustlers have traded lies and shots — Wimpy and Fast Eddie are left standing to play some no-forgiveness pool, by Craig Vetter, illustrated by Ed Paschke
Modern Living: Switched-On Superwall | This ultraluxe audio-visual system proffers a movable feast of sight-and-sound stimuli, photographed by Barry O’Rourke
Ribald Classic: The Prince’s Curse | From a 19th Century French feuilleton, retold by Paul Tabori, illustrated by Brad Holland
Article: West Of Eden | On communes from Oregon to New Mexico, urban dropouts are reaching back to mankind’s pastoral past — and into themselves — for new ways to live humanely with nature and one another, by Jules Siegel, photographed by Ron Mesaros
Gifts: Presents Perfect | Yule bounty for office, home and play, photographed by Bill Arsenault
Man At His Leisure: Can-Am Races | Playboy’s artist-on-the-go LeRoy Neiman covers the men, machines — and women — of an international motor race, by LeRoy Neiman
Satire: Word Play | More fun and games with the king’s English in which words become delightfully self-descriptive, by Robert Carola
Politics: Playboy’s Political Preference Chart | A thumbnail election guide, rating this year’s major congressional and gubernatorial candidates according to their views and voting records on the key issues
Personalities: On The Scene (Richard Brautigan, Costa-Gavras, Alvin Duskin)

Alberto Vargas

Alden Erikson

Buck Brown

Rowland Wilson

Claude Smith

Dink Siegel

Doug Sneyd

Michael Ffolkes

Edmond Kiraz

Eldon Dedini

Erich Sokol

Gahan Wilson

Francis Wilford Smith

John Dempsey

Phil Interlandi

Calendar ad (with Playmate Jennifer Liano)

Playboy Club ad

Subscription ad (with Playmate Claudia Jennings)

What Sort of Man Reads Playboy?

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