
May 1957

Cover: Artwork by Norman Harris
Playmate of the Month:
Dawn Richard, photographed by Ed DeLong and David Sutton

Comes The Dawn | The spring, clad in gladness, doth laugh at winter’s sadness
Dear Playboy
Playboy After Hours
Playboy’s International Datebook, by Patrick Chase
Fiction: Master Of The Revels | He schooled his starlets in the arts of love, by Al Morgan, illustrated by Donald Schweikert
Pictorial: The Postal Peel Of Peaches Page | British burlycue enjoys an assist from the mailman, by Graham Fisher
Article: It’s Like This With TV | Murder and mirth are solid staples, but sex got the hex from the start, by John Crosby
Article: Little Land Of The Big Wheel | Made in Monaco: Gambling, Grace and the Grimaldis, by John Sack, illustrated by Arthur Paul
Pictorial: Return To Tokyo | Cartoonist Silverstein takes a sentimental journey, by Shel Silverstein
Attire: The Big Getaway | What to take for summer take-offs, by Blake Rutherford, photographed by Richard Litwin
Humor: Playboy’s Party Jokes
Fiction: The Not Nice Guy | Weary and bored with love — that was the key, by Herbert Gold
Attire: The Knack Of Packing | What to put where and how to get it there in first-class shape
Pictorial: Li’l Abner’s Gals | They’re Broadway’s most beautiful and the most fun, too, by Al Capp, photographs by Friedman-Abeles photo firm
Humor: The French They Are A Funny Race | What passion, what intrigue, what danger is in store for the intrepid innocent abroad, by William Iversen
Article: Tiger Hunt In Cooch Behar | Caparisoned elephants, cognac galore and a trophy to grace your den, by Prakash C. Jain
Ribald Classic: The Tale Of The Terrible Teeth | A new rendering of a story from the Katha Sarit Sagara of Somadeva, translated by J.A. Gato, illustrated by Leon Bellin

Al Stine

Arv Miller

Jack Cole

Jack Davis

Phil Interlandi

Richard Loehle

John Dempsey

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