
July 1957

Cover model: Dawn Richard (Playmate of the Month, May 1957), photographed by David Sutton
Playmate of the Month:
Jean Jani, photographed by Peter Gowland

Cloud Nine | We find a brown-eyed beauty in the wild blue yonder
Dear Playboy
Playboy After Hours
Fiction: Mistress Of Porcosito | On the island of pigs, there dwelt four monsters…, by Gerald Kersh, illustrated by John Jurgens
Fiction: A Very Human Story | Come hear the tale of poor George Washington Goldstein, by Harvey Swados
Drink: Ten Tall Drinks | A delicious decade of new summer coolers, created just for you, by Thomas Mario
Attire: Ivy In Action | The right look for the beach, boating, tennis and the links, by Blake Rutherford, illustrated by LeRoy Neiman
Quiz: Crazy Cats, by Tad Garland
Fiction: The Champion Of Outer Mongolia | To be a tennis pro you have to lie like hell, by Archie Oldham
Grooming: The Man In His Bath, by David Grayson, photographed by Ralph Cowan
Humor: The Sinister Trade Mark Plot | Mercury vanishes, Pegasus shrinks and psyche takes a plunge, by William Iversen
Humor: Playboy’s Party Jokes
Pictorial: Silverstein In Scandinavia | The further wanderings of Playboy’s bearded cartoonist at large, by Shel Silverstein
Travel: The Trouble With AMB | Up to their necks in water and woe, the natives as restive tonight, by John Sack
Pictorial: Playboy’s Yacht Party | Prescription for fine fun afloat: The bounding main, the good ship gallant and a carefree crew of beauties, photographed by David Sutton
Ribald Classic: The Seal Of Vengeance | A newly translated tale from Les Diaboliques by Jules Barbey d’Aurevilly, translated by Hobart Ryland, illustrated by Leon Bellin
Travel: Playboy’s International Datebook, by Patrick Chase

Al Stine

Al Stine

Alden Erikson

Gardner Rea
John Dempsey
Phil Interlandi

Jack Cole

Bev Kennedy

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