
January 1957

Cover: 1956 Playmates of the Month, Marion Scott, Elsa Sorensen, Alice Denham, Rusty Fisher, Lisa Winters, Betty Blue, Marguerite Empey, Marian Stafford, Jonnie Nicely, Gloria Walker, Janet Pilgrim and Lynn Turner
Playmate of the Month:
June Blair, photographed by Hal Adams

Birthday Girl | June Blair celebrates by becoming a Playmate
Dear Playboy
Playboy After Hours
Fiction: The Hustler | All games are dangerous when the stakes are high, by Walter S. Tevis, illustrated by Richard Tyler
Opinion: Comes The Resolution | Some famous fellows make New Year vows for everybody but themselves, by John Crosby, H. Allen Smith, George Jessel, Fred Astaire, Jimmy Durante and Phil Silvers
Article: The Girls Of Shepherd Market | They reap a tidy livelihood — sans taxes, sans reproach, by Sam Boal
Fiction: In The Season Of Calm Weather | How much was Picasso, how much George Smith with wild Picasso eyes?, by Ray Bradbury, illustrated by Picasso
Food: Magnificent Munching | The sandwich is a noble meal in casual attire, by Thomas Mario
Attire: Formal Fashions North And South | The hot news, the cold facts, by Blake Rutherford, photographed by Richard Litwin
Jazz: Bird | He gave his name to Birdland and his heart to bop, by Richard Gehman and Robert George Reisner, illustrated by LeRoy Neiman
Humor: Playboy’s Party Jokes
Fiction: The Mask And The Maiden | What is lust but love deprived of its object?, by John Collier
Travel: ¡Que Viva Mexico! | Juices and joys south of the border, by Patrick Chase
Ribald Classic: The Cuckold And The Cakes | A new telling of a tale from The Panchatantra of ancient India, illustrated by Leon Bellin
Satire: The Handling Of Women In Business | The last word on how to succeed with women without really trying, by Shepherd Mead, illustrated by Claude Smith
Pictorial: Playboy’s Playmate Review | A portfolio of the past delightful dozen (Alice Denham, Marguerite Empey, Marian Stafford, Marion Scott, Gloria Walker, Lisa Winters, Betty Blue, Lynn Turner, Jonnie Nicely, Elsa Sorensen, Rusty Fisher and Janet Pilgrim
Attire: The Waistland | You’re right in the middle with fabric belts

Al Stine

Al Stine

Chuck Miller

Gardner Rea

Jack Cole

Phil Interlandi

Richard Loehle

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